Baking While Baked
Does anyone else love getting baked and making some cookies? Baking while baked is one of my favorite past times. There's something so satisfying about getting a little stoned and whipping up something tasty in the kitchen. Whether you are getting lost in a recipe or just making up your own, there's always a reward waiting on the otherside of the process. Today we will be talking about our favorite glass pieces to smoke out of before baking, some recipes we love, and a a story about the time I got a little too stoned before chefing it up in the kitchen.
Let's Get Baked
Picture this, it's a Sunday afternoon, you just picked up some of your favorite herb, and you are craving something sweet. You know what that calls for... Baking while baked, baby! You have to start the process out right by getting in your comfiest chair or perching up on the back porch when the sun is out. You will need your go to glass piece to get the job done so it's time to bring out the heavy hitter. Bongs, rigs, bubblers, and steamrollers will definitley get you in the mood to make some tasty treats.
I love taking a fat rip of a bong with a large enough base to be filled nicely with water, making sure I can taste all those good herb flavors. Tako's Purple Nebula Opal Bong is sure to hit all the right notes and send you soaring. It features a nebula style perculator with too many slits to count for some serious filtration. This bong is accompanied by a gorgeous splash gaurd complete with an Opal inside a marble at the top of the peak- a total thing of beauty.
If you are heading to your buddies house to get a little stoned together and bake on a rainy afternoon, you may want to bring your daily driving bubbler because it is a little easier to take with you on the go. The 16 Arm Bubbler by Leisure really pulls out all the stops! The top quality tree percs combined with the bubbler effect provides a super smooth hit with just enough resistance. It also has a sweet Leisure Graffiti logo in rasta colors across the front for some extra style and to impress your friends, especially once they are high as a kite.
If water pipes aren't your thing, or you are just too eager to get to baking, I would suggest getting that steamroller out and loading that bowl to the brim! There's nothing quite like taking that mega rip from a steamroller and having it go directly to the dome! Steamrollers pack the punch you need to blast off and get those creative cooking vibes flowing. They are known for their intense rips, comparable to bongs just without the water. Tako has handcrafted some gorgeous steamrollers full of inside out fume, massive dichro marbles, fatty bowls, and moon dots.
Last, but certainly not least, we have our tried and true rigs. If you just aren't getting stoned enough to start your baking journey, maybe it's time to bring out the oil! Our Tako Glass team loves the taste of dabs, especially when they're being hit on one of our high end rigs with some good filtration. Augy Glass makes some pretty hot rigs and we have a variety on our website! For example the Augy 10mm Recycler is the perfect baking companion. Smoke is drawn from the banger, through the down stem and into the lower chamber where it's percolated and filtered by the water, passed through an exterior tube and back into the top chamber. The smoke then rises to the mouthpiece, and the water recycles by falling back down to the lower chamber. Talk about a rad way to get stoned out of your mind!
What to Bake
My go-to snack to bake has got to be a classic chocolate chip cookie because they're hard to mess up. Just remember to set your oven before you get too stoned and set some timers so you don't forget about your cookies in the oven! All you need are the basic ingredients and some chocolate chips. Plus they only take about 10 minutes to bake so your munchies won't be unattended for too long.
Check out this recipe for some of my favorite brown buttered chocolate chip cookies:
If you want to get a little fancier with a little bit of a longer process, you might want to consider baking a cake. You can use a cake mix from a box or you can make it from scratch. Either way you're going to have plenty of room to express your creative side! I love baking cakes because you can choose your own filling, make any shaped cake you want, and decorate the sh*t out of it! My favorite cake to make is fun fetti if I'm using a box mix, and a super chocolately one if I'm making it from scratch.
Try this recipe out if you're feeling like going hard in the kitchen and impressing everyone with your stoner skills:
Story Time
Take it from me, if you're going to get high before baking, make sure to check your work and don't get too lost in the sauce. One time my buddies and I got a little too carried away with the amount of herb we were ingesting prior to making cookies. Everyone hit the ground running when we started reading the recipe and there was no stopping us. We were listening to music, having a blast, when we realized the oven was on full blast and my buddy had dropped a kitchen towel in there. Luckily the hose was right out back and we were able to toss the burning rag onto the concrete and put out the small flame forming on it.
We made a quick recovery by smoking a little bit more, this time just out of a little hammer like Tako's Purple Nebula Drop Hammer. We were ready to go! We took turns adding ingredients and mixing it up to the tune of whatever song was playing. We even had extra time to hit my glass straight tube bong while we waited for each batch of cookies to cool down. Let me tell you these cookies were amazing! Everyone thought they were going to be the new guest stars on the Great British Baking Show by the end of our time in the kitchen. Come to find out, I added nearly three times the amount of butter the recipe called for and an extra scoop or two of sugar. I guess sometimes those stoner accidents are what makes for the tastiest treats at the end of the day!
Stay safe and happy baking! If you have some recipes you love using while you're stoned, we would love to try them! There's nothing quite as sweet as rewarding yourself after a session with something delicious that you made yourself.