First Date Kinda Stoned.
Have you ever been too high on a first date? Maybe you wanted to impress your date or simply keep up with them, but either way you ended up high as a kite. Being stoney baloney around your potential love interest is definitely the type of relationship test needed to see if the pair is going to work. Does your high humor match theirs? And are they craving the same munchies as you? Today we are talking all about smoking on first dates and what type of glass will really impress your honey.
Approaching the Subject
So you're both cannabis enthusiasts and you are so excited to test out the waters by lighting up your favorite herb in your nicest piece of glass, but you’re not sure how to approach it without making things awkward. We suggest bringing it up in conversation before the date to make sure you are both on the same page, but most of all just be respectful. In most scenarios, even if your date doesn't want to light up they probably won't care if you do.
Choose the right timing and the right scenario so the vibe is right. You don't want to be the guy blowing out a fat cloud when there's a group of strangers walking by. Set the mood on your date by finding somewhere scenic, where your partner feels safe, and avoid super crowded spots so you don't bother any one around you.
Where to Go on Your Stoner Date
There are so many activities that are perfect to do while high! Depending on whether you are planning to blaze your favorite herb before or after your activity, we thought of a few fun first dates to take your boo on while stoned.
Nothing says first date like a good walk on a beach or maybe a hike if you're feeling like making the most of an afternoon. Hikes and walks are perfect for getting stoned because you can always find a nice view and a secluded spot to chill and strike up conversation. Smoking in nature is definitely one of our favorite past times here at Tako Glass, even if you are just taking yourself on a date.
Pre gaming before going out is always a good idea so you avoid having to find a place to smoke in a crowded area. Getting high and heading to an amusement park, arcade, bowling alley or even a movie are all great choices for first dates! If you are someone who likes having plenty of things to see, smell, eat and entertain, look no further.
Our local fair and rodeo are just around the corner and our staff is stoked to get a little stoned and see the sights. Be on the look out for local events in your area because those are the easiest first date ideas you can find, while still keeping it chill and being able to get a little toasted before hand.
Glass that is Sure to Impress
If you are trying to impress your date with your super rad glass, look no further! We got you covered here at Tako Glass because we know how important it is to be able to brag about your glass collection. If you are looking to knock the socks off your lover you have a few options.
A) The artsy showstoppers: Sometimes you have to pull out all the stops and show your date the glass you consider art. The pieces you bring out at the party to show off, but maybe don't let every one use them because they are just that special. Here's where Tako's Purple Octopus Rig shows it's face. This rig will not only spark conversation, but bring on the "wows"! You could place this piece behind glass and view it as a piece of art.
If your date is a little whimsical or you're in the woods on your hiking or picnic date, the Fairy House Mushy Pipe is where it's at. All your fantasy gals and guys will be so stoked when you whip out this super rad pipe. It is a work of art and the perfect companion for your next date amongst nature.
An oil diffuser pendant in the shape of a mushroom matching your rig is included! This diffuser holds essential oil and releases it throughout the day as you wear it so you can reap the benefits of your favorite essential oils on the go! Give your date a gift at the end of the night to match your mushroom pipe or wear it on your date so you smell good throughout the whole night!
B) The heavy hitters: The one that is going to get you super stoned and facilitate those fatty hits. We like to bring to the surface our beloved party bowls and steamrollers because they not only produce the fattest clouds to impress your partner, there's something to be said about the feeling of having a heavy piece of glass in your hands.
This 14" Party Bowl is perfect for passing back and forth with your date! You are sure to get nice and stoned before or after your planned activities. The big bowl also gives you time to spark up the conversation and not just your herb. Take your time with this bowl and really get to know your date.
This Jedi Glass steamroller is made with a range of bright colors laid out in tie-dye patten, Jedi's signature look. It is a color-changing piece that will create some killer depth, look super sick the more you use it, and make the colors more vibrant. This heavy hitter is sure to set the mood and get the party started on any date that is lacking excitement!
C) The Big Hunks: The big hunk is that piece that's hot and heady. This is where we like to bring out something like Tako's Blue Opal Bong that sits at a sky scraping 21" tall. The custom Tako Purple Nebula Opal Pull Slide will send the message to your love interest that you are sophiticated and like the nicer things in life.
If a bong is a little to hard to get to that dream date location then we have the next best thing. The Egyptian Glass Opal Pipe is thick, heavy, and fumed so it will change colors the more you sesh on your date. The opal on this piece is a stunning addition that will be sure to catch your dates attention as it fires off an array of colors.
D) Out of This World Rigs: When it's time to blow everyone's mind that's when the dab rigs come in. Are you ready to get so stoned you feel like you're on another planet? Is your date looking bored so you need to pull out your final move and really get the vibes going? Feast your eyes on Tako's Lime White Satin Rig! This thing radiates all kinds of colors in the sun and late at night when you turn down the lights you turn on the fun! It has a fun new UV color, Ion Molten! Will really knock your socks off!
The Blue Hippo Rig by Flame Princess is so cute, but it packs a punch! You can take some huge dabs off of this guy! This is the perfect rig to show to your animal loving honey, or before taking someone on a date to the zoo. Blast off with this little hippo companion and your date will be giggling with happiness in no time!
Be safe and good luck out there! Make sure to pack all your smoking essentials if you know your date is going to involve a sesh or two. And don't forget to pick the perfect location to set the mood and faciliate the best vibes!