Signature Edition Combos: Double the Fun
Guys, we would like to introduce our Signature Edition Combos. This new series will include collector’s pieces sold in combinations, all hand signed by Tako Glass. They represent Tako’s signature styles and they are paired eloquently together to sweeten the deal. Additionally, each combo package will include a signed postcard from the artist himself!
These Signature Edition Combos are perfect for anyone who collects rad pieces and especially for those who’ve been eyeing some of Tako’s most notable works and would like to add a few to their collection.
Tako Ping Pong Combo 1
The Ping Pong Combo includes a huge Egyptian ping pong pipe paired with a classic purple Nebula glass pipe. Talk about a set to drool over. The Nebula piece is a perfect frit spoon pipe created nice and thick with the sickest purple clouds that will morph into deep, electric blues the more you use it. The Egyptian pipe is heavy and massive - over 18 oz! If you like to feel the weight of your piece, this will really whet your whistle. Created with just clear glass and silver, this is the original formula the ancient Egyptians used and there’s a reason it continues on thousands of years later; it creates incredible works of art! The pipe has the most ethereal blues, yellows, and whites and it will only get more beautiful with time. The bowl is so huge on this you can fit a ping pong ball into it. As a bonus, this combo includes a Tako mood mat, just to make things a bit more special.
Purple Nebulas and Egyptian glass are two styles Tako takes immense pride in creating. Hard to achieve and masterfully produced, if you do not own either of these styles, we highly suggest you consider this set!
The Purple Plasma Glass Pipe Signature Edition Combo
The Purple Plasma Combo 1 set features the stunning, Tako signature plasma colorway. What you get includes a Purple Plasma Glass Pipe and a Purple Plasma Chillum. Purple Plasma is a mind-blowing creation, with some of the brightest, most brilliant purples, swirls of intense color, sparkles, and crazy color-changing potential. As a bonus, this combo includes a smell-proof RYOT head case, to keep your gorgeous pieces safe at all times.
Purple Nebula Black Opal Combo
If you’re a fan of the Tako signature purple nebula colorway, this set will light you up! The Purple Nebula Black Opal Combo pairs two incredible nebula pieces: the Black Opal glass spoon pipe and the Purple Nebula Pocket Pipe. These pieces are really one of a kind. The Black Opal pipe, like the name implies, features stunning black opals full of fiery colors that flash reds, oranges, and greens. These pieces are thick, shimmery, and wild color changers. The set includes a smell-proof RYOT headcase to keep your pieces nice and safe and your dankest bud undetected.
Green Goblin Mini Bong Combo 1
The Green Goblin Combo set is truly one of a kind and definitely one for the collectors out there. Created after a wild Goblin formula spill in the studio, the result was this beautiful, brilliant green mini bong paired with a matching spoon pipe, both set with some killer opals. These pieces glow brilliant magenta under a blacklight, which is a bonus. This set includes a RYOT headcase to keep your pipe secure along with a Tako mood mat.
Nebula Space Dust Combo 1
Another signature Tako colorway, the Nebula Space Dust is the highlight of this combo. It includes a Nebula Space Dust Glass Pipe and a Nebula Space Dust Chillum plus a RYOT headcase. Nebula Space Dust is such a rad creation and it’s Tako’s current fave to work with. It features purple nebula coloring with a hefty amount of crushed opals that deliver the sickest rainbow sparkle throughout the entire body of each piece. These are color-changers and expect some brilliant electric blues and purples after you use them for a while.
Purple Nebula Combo 1
If you’ve been eyeing the Nebula pieces Tako has been unveiling as of late, the Purple Nebula Combo needs to get into your cart! It includes a super-thick frit spoon Purple Nebula Pipe and a fat frit Purple Nebula glass chillum. Top-quality and made for longevity, these pieces are only going to get more gorgeous as you use them. This set includes two RYOT headcases to keep things nice and safe; once you use these odor-proof cases, you will never want to store your glass in anything else.
If you’ve been looking to treat yourself, now is the time! The Tako Glass Signature Combos are super special and once these sets are gone, that’s it. So hook your fine selves up with some rad functional art you can’t find anywhere else. ;)