How To Hit A Bong
When it comes to getting lifted, every stoner knows selecting the correct piece easily makes or breaks the vibe. And few choices are quite as iconic as the ever-popular bong. Clearly seen as status symbols in some circles, very few accessories bring that wow factor more immediately than a towering fat hitter. Although sometimes something easier to pocket and palm settles the deal.

At Tako, no question we got the bongs, but one question always remains: What's the best technique? And technique speaks to personal style. No matter your style, Tako has your sesh covered.
Ice or no ice? For years I'd always pop some cubes into the neck and enjoy the chilled smoke, until a buddy of mine recommended I try warm water. He said it was much smoother than ice. The theory, Ed explained, although the coolness can feel soothing, it can also make the throat constrict and actually feel a bit sharper than room-temperature or even warm water. After trying warm water in my bong, I found the hit to feel gentler and enhanced the flavor of my best bonkers bud. Ice will always be a crowd-pleasing classic, but experiment with other temperatures and you may be pleasantly surprised.
I sat down with Tako and he 1k percent goes with ice. To party like a Tako, select a bong without an ice catcher! Counterintuitive, yes, but it allows the ice to get lower. Prior to getting ice into the bong, remove the stem to protect it, then fill the bong with some water first. The water will help catch the ice so it doesn't go smashing into the bottom. Fill with as much ice feels appropriate, and backfill with some more water prior to putting the stem back in place.
The Levels:
Water level matters. Nothing cramps the experience more than a drag that's hard to pull or, even worse, accidentally pulling water into your mouth during a massive bong rip. Yuck. It's essential, especially when partying with a new bong, to conduct a few test-bowls, adjusting the water level appropriately. Although two pieces may cosmetically be the same size, unique shapes and angles can effect how the water chambers behave when you're hitting it.
The Grind:
Often a neglected detail, it's going to make a difference, fam! We want our herb broken up evenly but not too powdery. A mindful grind will always result in a better pack. If it's too fine all the way through, it could diminish the airflow, making it a chokier hit. But if the grind is too coarse... well, we've all been there when the bowl won't stay lit. At Tako, experts advise maintaining a texture-variety is key to composing a good pack! Similar to building a cozy bonfire, be thoughtful of layering the base layer bud.
The Pack:
Essential to a clutch torch & subsequent Inhale, the pack must be handled with finesse. Too tight or too overstuffed, and you may be coughing, dragging too hard to pull through the good-good. Try to pack the bowl with coarser, more feathery grind as the base-layer. Then gradually dust finer and finer grind over the bowl until it's packed firmly, but not too dense. Imagine, air needs to flow!

Torch It:
When sparking the bowl, only bite off what you can chew. Ricocheting off a successful grind and pack, you may only need to spark a small area of the bowl. You know what do to when you see the glow.
The Inhale:
All the way turnt up and not turning back—if Levels, Grind and Pack were all on point, congratulations! You're blowing out a massive cloud. And soon you should be able to feel your pineal gland glowing. Pro tip: Hit first, talk later—it's just good group etiquette. Respect the rotation.
Clear The Bong:
Respect the sesh, G. At Tako we say, keep it clean. A clean bong is going to be a prettier bong, and will normally result in a smoother hit.
Additional Considerations:
Bongs are known to be showy and fanciful, but there are plenty of low-profile options that might feel like the best solution for you. Often associated with social gatherings, bongs are also a great way to treat yourself when you’re on that solitary introspective vibe.
Ultimately how you toke, is about your personal style. Whether you go iced or try it warm, big and showy or small and low-key, solitary reflection or joyfully passed around with your close folks, Tako hopes you find these bong insights helpful.